Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Books”
What Books I'm Reading 2023
Once again inspired by my friend Jen , here is the media I’ve been consuming. I’m still on the Audible train and at their maximum subscriber level and buying books when they go on sale to boot. I love listening to books while I commute / travel. In the past I would get annoyed when Waze would butt in with commentary, but now I’ve started to find it amusing. So many random insertions Arkady said in one mile, use the right lane to turn right at the light. I laugh every time.
What Books I'm Reading 2022
Inspired by my friend Jen , here is the media I’ve been consuming. I’ve always had a hard time reading books and recently started using Audible to listen to audio books. I had put it off for a long time, figuring that I wouldn’t use it and I would just waste money. Oh boy was I wrong. I burned through tons of books and very much outpaced the one credit a month I got from Audible.